We can only attend so many shows, but we want to support all of Texas exhibition poultry. In the spirit of our mission statement, your success is our success, and to that end we would like to offer a results/placement article for your show results. In order to make that happen, we need two simple things...
- We need a spreadsheet with your exhibitor list containing the following columns:
- Exhibitor ID, First Name, Last Name, City, State
- We need a clear photo of the bird, including its class placement (for example: AOCCL Champion, AOCCL Reserve), and exhibitor ID (visible/legible cage card).

That's it, just 2 things.
With this information, we can publish a results page that includes basic show info (name and date), placement, photos of the birds, and names of the exhibitors. See Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Junior Poultry Placement for an example of what we could do for your show.
How it benefits you is pretty obvious. You'll get a show results page for free. We benefit by way of the content. You link to us, which helps us grow.
For more information - Contact Us!